Thursday, 8 December 2016

Painting Classes at Norton Conyers

Our new season of classes begin on WED' 25th JANUARY 2017  for a 'term' of six weeks, starting at 10 a.m. and running through 'til 4pm.

We will be focussing on the use of acrylic and oil paints with particular focus on the landscape.

Courses follow an 'atelier style' format of mentorship so that all standards and age ranges can be accommodated, from complete novice through to degree level, from student to retiree.

The course costs £30 per day. You will need to bring materials of your choice (Acrylic or oil and a drawing medium), warm clothing (we may be doing some work outside) and a packed lunch. We have tea and coffee making facilities & microwave.

Wednesday, 7 December 2016


Winter draws on: December and the temperature drops to minus 3. We have a burst pipe outside the studio so no water inside; this I can cope with but on teaching days I must have water so as soon as the pipe is fixed I build an insulated box to cover the exposed pipes; it's a temporary fix but hey!

Giles delivers more logs and the Jotul gobbles them like Mr Creosote with a 'waffer thin' after dinner mint so even in freezing temperatures I can still work relatively comfortably in the studio.